Join NAPWA in the fourth annual observance of National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NGMHAAD)!
Click HERE to register for - Gala Red Ribbon Party, Sunday evening, September 25, 8:00pm-midnight at Washington, D.C.'s Town dance club ($10) - VIP Pre-party Reception 6:00-8:00pm ($50).
Monday, September 26 all-day conference at D.C.'s Human Rights Campaign headquarters - panels on health and prevention for gay men, the special experience of gay Latinos, and more.
Tuesday, September 27 9:00am prayer breakfast, 12:00pm press conference with District of Columbia Mayor Vince Gray, all-day HIV testing, and 5:00pm Red Flash Mob to release remembrance balloons in D.C.'s Dupont circle.
JOIN US for this year's National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, September 27!
For more information on NGMHAAD, contact Stephen Bailous, sbailous@napwa.org .
Click HERE for Steve's NGMHAAD blog on AIDS.gov .
Click HERE to download SAVE THE DATE flyer!

The National Association of People with HIV/AIDS (NAPWA) Founded
in 1983 as the largest and oldest advocacy group for people living with HIV/AIDS, NAPWA is the trusted independent voice for all
people living with the virus in the United States. NAPWA remains a strong voice in policy, capacity building, leadership
development, and social networking. NAPWA is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization based in Silver Spring, Maryland. For
more information about NAPWA, please visit www.napwa.org.
"Reproduced with permission - "National Association of People with HIV/AIDS (NAPWA) "
National Association of People with HIV/AIDS (NAPWA)